Lemniscate-Infintiy Presses PUBLISHING PHILOSOPHY


At Lemniscate-Infinity Press and Riley-Infinity, we have helped new and veteran authors share their writing, focusing on, forward-looking leaders and positive, passionate world changers, vs. a particular genre, but often partner with clients to publish in all areas of Fiction and Nonfiction relative to: Academic, Business, Health, Entrepreneurial, Influencer, Self Help, 100-page Business Books, Memoirs, Historical, Pet, Animal, DIY, and Children’s Books with a lesson or teaching aspect. We are interested in acquiring manuscripts that tell captivating and unique stories across all genres—including romance, mystery, thriller, paranormal, etc. Our desire to publish diverse voices is perennial. We don’t want to tell your stories for you—we want to amplify your voices and create beautiful books that span infinity with a hint of infinitude along the way.

In Fiction, we believe our readers want fresh plots, and that they relish hours spent with engaging characters whose complexities, struggles and triumphs celebrate their hopes and dreams. Overall and in our Nonfiction, they want books they can’t put down, stories they think about for days afterward, and those that help the works, and advance life forward, and perhaps they have characters so interesting they wish they could meet them. We are passionate in our process and want to help you create the very best version of your book as possible, so we welcome your submission.

About Lemniscate-Infinity Press…

Since its inception, Lemniscate-Infinity Press has been dedicated to creating books with messages that uplift, educate, inspire, and entertain. ​

We understand the amount of intellectual and creative energy it takes to write a book. We work to honor those efforts through our commitment to ethical treatment of those we work with. We strive to be clear about what we will provide, communicate in a timely manner, adhere to deadlines, and listen while giving guidance. ​

Lemniscate-Infinity Press (LIP) is a highly selective hybrid press. We review submissions carefully, looking for work that fits our mission. We also want to make sure we can provide the type of publishing service a particular project needs.

The financial arrangement for each project is individually tailored, based on several factors. There is an upfront investment for us to publish your book. Each author’s project is unique. What LIP will provide is spelled out contractually for each project. ​

Clear communication between publisher and author is a core principle of our press. LIP’s founder and president Dr. Stephanie Krol, a former higher education administrative executive, having dealt with governmental programs and instructional accreditation standards, and having fallen prey into less than admirable publishers, has no patience for the mistreatment of creative people and strives to make the working relationship one that uplifts and empowers. Since she is an educator, and when she published her book originally, she did also fall into just about every pitfall the industry offered, unfortunately, so now she uses all that well-informed experience and feel empowered and quite experienced in the industry, to protect her author’s by educating them on process, rights, and royalties. ​

Creating positivity in the world through experience and education, setting the author’s up for success, and energetically and intellectually lifting the vibe of world is what Lemniscate-Infinity Press is all about.

Author Submissions…

If you have a project you would like us to consider for publication, send us an email with the following  information:

  • 100 word or less bio;

  • the entire work attached as a Word document;

  • one paragraph synopsis.


Our submission process requests specific information required for a thorough analysis. We will promptly acknowledge its receipt and let you know within 90 days if we are interested in pursuing rights and publishing your work.

To send in your manuscript, you must follow the instructions below:

  • E-mail, with the title of your manuscript followed by the author’s name as the subject line. The body of the e-mail can be blank.

  • Cover Letter, in a single Word-compatible document, as an attachment (some mail programs call it an “enclosure”). Your cover letter should include:

    • Short bio, your legal name, complete publishing history, if any, and all pen names in use;

    • Your complete contact information, including e-mail and a telephone number where it is acceptable to leave a message about your submission;

    • An explanation of any rights that might not be available for us to acquire, if applicable (see below under Other Issues You Should Consider);

    • Why you feel your manuscript will appeal to our readers.

  • Synopsis, in a single Word-compatible document, as an attachment. Please follow the Lemniscate-Infinity Presses Author Formatting guidelines. This document should include:

    • Plot summary, including how the story ends, of no more than 750 words;

    • Character and setting description of no more than 250 words; Word count of your completed manuscript. (Please note, we are most interested in stories at least 60,000 words or more in length although there is no set minimum or maximum word count.)

  • The complete manuscript in a Word-compatible document, as an attachment. Again, follow the Lemniscate-Infinity Presses Formatting guidelines and please ensure your title page contains the information that we need.

**Please do not inquire about the status of your submission or manuscript review unless the timeframes for our response (given above) have elapsed.


Your submission package and final manuscript should reflect your best work. We understand everyone makes mistakes, and rely on a team of editors and proofreaders, but we expect any submission to have a competent level of format, style and usage as reflected in the Chicago Manual of Style. Lemniscate-Infinity Press and Riley-Infinity themselves serve as excellent indicators of the standards of grammar and style we expect.

We consider a submission of a project to be an offer from the author to enter negotiations for a contract. That means that the person submitting it should have the right to do so, that no other publisher is currently considering its acquisition and that the rights we may wish to acquire are available. As a small press we can’t invest the evaluation resources only to find that the project is under contract or otherwise encumbered. For this reason, we cannot accept simultaneous submissions. If there is any issue with the rights to the manuscript you are submitting, please include an explanation of the issues in your cover letter.

The submission process outlined above is the only way your manuscript will be considered, and it applies to authors and agents alike.

Thank you for your interest in Lemniscate-Infinity Press and Riley-Infinity. If, after reading this document, you have questions about the submission process, please direct them to our office's email, which can be found on the top of the page.

– Stephanie Krol, Publisher, Lemniscate-Infinity Press

20 Denada Square West, Suite 116, Wheaton, IL 60189-2000