Universal And Genre Specific Marketing Package

The items below are what is included in this package. Often times marketing falls short on client expectations, and that is often because metrics are not applied to the end result. As you can see below, each task that we perform below for you has a metric attached to it, so you know the outcome of each activity, and proportionately the cost.

Your choice for quality, service, with a dash of Infinitude! This is how we stand out above the rest!

5 Universal Marketing activities that can be applied to nearly any book.

Part 1. Core Marketing Activities

A. Book Video Trailer Creation & Promotion. Activity to commence upon receipt of the native book design files.

i. Draft a script for client review/approval.

ii. Create narrated digital promotional video/trailer for client’s review/approval.

iii. Client will be entitled to up to three rounds of revisions.

iv. Publish the trailer to ______________ YouTube channel and ensure ______ views.

v. Publish the trailer to _____________Facebook page and ensure a minimum of _________ engagements.

B. Amazon Retail Reviews. Activity to commence upon confirmation the title is available for retail purchase and fulfillment on Amazon.

i. Solicit and procure a minimum of 25 amazon reviews and/or rating for the title.

C. Digital Book Club/Group Promotion. Activity to commence upon confirmation the title is available for retail purchase and fulfillment on Amazon.

i. Feature the title using the trailer or cover, and/or book description, with hyperlink to the retail purchase page (when permitted), to a minimum of 50 digital book clubs/groups with a minimum collective total of 500,000 members.

D. Targeted Media Outreach. Activity to commence upon confirmation the title is available for retail purchase and fulfillment on Amazon.

i. Consult with client to identify the target recipients, the core messaging, and the CTA (book review, interview, byline article, etc.)

ii. Research and prepare a pitch list, accordingly.

iii. Draft and submit an electronic release accordingly.

iv. Provide client with a list of recipients.

v. Direct CTA inquiries accordingly.

Part 2. Marketing Activities by Genre

E. Personalized Marketing Plan. Activity to commence upon confirmation the title is available for retail purchase and fulfillment on Amazon.

i. Consult with client for one hour.

ii. Prepare a title-specific marketing plan to include, but no be limited to, the following:

a. Identifying the general and book business model 2 of 2

b. Identifying the core message(s)

c. Identifying the target buyer(s)

d. Identifying the target reader(s)

e. Developing suggested catch line

f. Evaluating the current online presence (website and social media)

g. Providing suggested PR activities (as appropriate)

h. Providing suggested Marketing activities (as appropriate)

i. Providing suggested Advertising activities (as appropriate)

j. Identifying specialty market sales opportunities (as appropriate)

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20 Denada Square West, Suite 116, Wheaton, IL 60189-2000