Your Podcast: From Inception to Marketplace

Phase 1: Creating Your Podcast Series

Our team will:

  • Strategically consult with you to optimize your Podcast ROI

  • Research and brand your podcast title, establish series and episode flow, and format episodes for co-development.

  • Create series show liners (intro and outro), including music and voice-over production.

  • Create podcast graphic

  • Provide podcast “on-air” host prep and coaching. Coaching is ongoing throughout the series.

  • Develop commercial spots for strategically aligned affiliates, companies or products.

  • Establish podcast hosting service for distribution on Apple/iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Google Play Music, iHeart, TuneIn and Amazon.

Phase 2: Episode Production, Launch, and Ongoing Distribution of Your Podcast Series:

We offer custom packages from the following


  • Online remote recording with a real-time producer.

  • Full editing on all source recordings.

  • Episode assembly through final fix: Ready for publishing.

  • Transcription of edited episode for show notes and content repurposing.

  • Publishing on Apple/iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart, Tune In, Spotify, Google Play Music.

  • Embed player code – for posting on your website(s).

  • Free monthly hosting while you work with us.

  • Show notes.

  • Audiograms to grow listenership.

Take the first step. Schedule a FREE consultation today:

20 Denada Square West, Suite 116, Wheaton, IL 60189-2000