Paperback, Hardcover, Ebook and Audio Book Publishing & Distribution

Paperback or Hardcover Layout & Distribution

  • We design and typeset a professional book interior and make your book available for sale with the world’s most prominent bookstores libraries, and online retailers. You keep 100% of your sales and retain 100% of your rights!
  • A free physical proof and free book copies can be provided for Hybrid Publishing for paperback and hardcover options.

Audio Book

Did you know that audiobook sales in 2021 totaled more than a Billion dollars in the US alone? This is the 8th consecutive year that audiobook sales growth has been 15-30% over the previous year.

Here’s what’s even more astounding.

  • More than 70 million adults in the US alone have completed at least one audiobook in the last year, which is a 25% increase since 2015
  • Audiobook listeners also tend towards being college-educated, with a trend towards a median income over $75K per year.
  • The increase in sales is driven in large part by a listening audience that continues to grow, largely due to the portability of audio. After all, you can listen anywhere!

With done-for-you, complete packages starting at $2,500 based on word count and add-ons, you retain creative control and all sales royalties. Choose between Author-Narrated, Professionally Narrated, and Hybrid options.

Audio Book Options To Pick From


● Advising and tech check of your audiobook equipment and recording space

● Remote live direction and recording of your audiobook

■ Expert sound engineer to guide you

● All you need to do is focus on sharing your message


● Advising and tech check of your audiobook equipment and recording space

● Remote live direction and recording of your audiobook

■ Expert sound engineer to guide you

● All you need to do is focus on sharing your message

Professionally Narrated

● Full auditioning of narrators for your audiobook, tailored to your specifications

■ Vetting, evaluating, and curating the “best of the best”

■ Drawn from our voice talent pool as well as from around the world

● Communication and direction with your narrator regarding production handled by our project manager.

Hybrid Option

● The best of both worlds

■ You narrate one to two sections of the book, lending your authentic

voice to the project

■ A professional narrator is auditioned to handle the rest

■ The entire project is managed by Twin Flames experts

Full Author Support

● Audiobook launch strategy advisement to maximize royalties and sales

● Complete project management from start to finish

● Highest quality editing, mastering and proofing of your audiobook production

● Distribution to 30-50+ audiobook platforms, including Audible depending on service chosen

● Your audiobook sample and cover art featured in our Audio Library and announced to our network of over 300,000 social media followers

Audiobook Enrichments

“Interview with the Author” Bonus Chapter

● Engage your readers and amplify your message with a fully published bonus audiobook chapter

■ Custom Q&A interview with a professional host

■ An evergreen marketing asset for marketing and publicity

● Strategies for using your bonus chapter as a marketing asset in social media, your website, podcast interviews, and more Audiogram Package

● Transforms a sample from your audiobook into a social media post

■ Use on YouTube, your website, and social media

■ Full professional production Audiobook and Podcast samples

eBook Publishing Options

  • Conversion and Distribution (Reflowable Text)

We convert your file(s) by hand into a professional eBook that is compatible with all eReading devices and we make it available for sale with all of our retail partners. You keep 100% of your sales! Free ISBN included.

  • Conversion and Distribution (Fixed Layout)

We convert your file(s) by hand into a professional fixed layout eBook that is compatible with all eReading devices and we make it available for sale with all of our retail partners that accept fixed layout eBook files. You keep 100% of your sales! Free ISBN included.

  • eBooks with Audio or Video “Enhancements”

We convert your file(s) by hand, including the embedding of audio and/or video files, into a professional eBook and we make it available for sale with all of our retail partners that accept “enhanced” eBook files. You keep 100% of your sales! Free ISBN included.

20 Denada Square West, Suite 116, Wheaton, IL 60189-2000